Blog donde recopilo lo (subjetivamente) mejor de fragmentos, artículos y reflexiones de textos místicos, religiosos, espirituales o filosóficos que me voy encontrando por mis peripecias literarias.

Right use of will, Ceanne DeRohann


"Ego/self operates to protect your present level of ability to accept, experience and express. Many have judged self love as selfishness and have an habit of self-denial as thought this is more spiritual than love for the self. To be without ego, or to be selflessness has often been equated with oneness, but this would be a oneness without differenciation, and thus, no manifestation at all. While this has been a goal for some, this is an unrealistic image of Oneness.Many of judgments and limitations that you may not want to continue living with can be seen in your daily dialogue with yourself and others.What do you do, say and believe that has been keeping you in the prision of non-acceptance and denial of some parts of the self?"



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